Our Impact
50,000 MT CO2 mitigated through PYRO stoves. Avoided 250 hectares deforestation of scrub forest. 100,000 tonnes of CO2 mitigated by tea factories in South India in the project period. Improved air quality in 10,000 commercial kitchens.
5000+ commercial stoves sold contributing to about INR 17.5 crore fuel savings.
INR 12.5 crore savings for tea factories enabled due to implementation of recommendations during the project period.
50,000 MT CO2 mitigated through PYRO stoves. Avoided 250 hectares deforestation of scrub forest. 100,000 tonnes of CO2 mitigated by tea factories in South India in the project period. Improved air quality in 10,000 commercial kitchens.
Spun off a For-Profit company Sustaintech for marketing improved cook stoves.
Developed curriculum for Sustainable Household Energy (SHE) schools for CARE India.
5,500± consumers sensitized on electricity conservation across three cities. 1,250 children nurtured as Environment Ambassadors
48% of participating consumers in Bangalore and 57% participating consumers in Chennai achieved cost savings in electricity.
Environmental awareness & climate change education to ± 15000 people. 33 metric tonnes CO2 mitigated in 6 months by participating consumers.
Collaborative partnership with the research agency WRI India for VidyutRakshaka.
± 2,500 women given a livelihood skill
Smoke-free kitchens in 45,000 homes
5000+ commercial stoves sold contributing to about INR 17.5 crore fuel savings.
INR 12.5 crore savings for tea factories enabled due to implementation of recommendations during the project period.
Cumulative firewood saving of about 15,000 metric tonnes through Sarala stoves. 23,000 metric tonnes of CO2 mitigated cumulatively through Sarala stoves.
WTP provides awareness / training / employment / skilling to ± 1000 people annually. MANINI, an association of persons formed to bring women entrepreneurs into a network facilitating production & marketing entity.
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